четверг, 1 марта 2012 г.

NSW: Man jailed for killing abusive, threatening brother

NSW: Man jailed for killing abusive, threatening brother

A man's been jailed for five-and-a-half years for the manslaughter of his brother.

SCOTT TINDALL was abused and threatened by his brother after giving evidence againsthim over their father's murder.

Finally he had enough and bludgeoned DONALD TINDALL to death with a hammer in July last year.

35-year-old SCOTT TINDALL, from Adamstown near Newcastle, was charged with murder butpleaded guilty to manslaughter on the grounds of provocation.

In the NSW Supreme Court, Justice PETER HIDDEN said DONALD TINDALL had faced trialover the murder of ALEX TINDALL, who died in a house fire in January 2000.

DONALD TINDALL was acquitted and began behaving unpleasantly towards his family, especiallyhis brother SCOTT whom he bashed and threatened to kill.

SCOTT TINDALL later told police that on the night of the killing he felt he'd had enoughand feared for his and his fiance's safety, and for her baby.

AAP RTV gl/nf/dl/rp


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